Saturday, October 25, 2008

One more before I go to bed

Went to Generous George's Positive Pizza and Pasta Place tonight for my last supper or, what is commonly known as the 'carbo loading' meal. It was a kids paradise, noisy, neat decor. But, the service was terrible and the food was well, it was okay. Although, it did a number on my stomach so the carbo loading didn't last.
We did, however, have a wonderful time with Uncle Doug and Aunt Sue. They live so close by but we never see them, for some dumb reason. They are part of my ground crew tomorrow, and I'll hopefully see them within the first three miles since they live right near the start in Arlington. Drue and the gang will then go to their house and they will be popping up along the route to cheer me on. Yasin is my early morning crew and we hope to be out of here and on a metro no later than 5:30 a.m.
My clothes are laid out, my bib number is pinned on and my D-tag is on my shoe. I've got GU's, sports beans and the coffee just need to be flipped on. I'll have a bagel and some juice and bring along a bottle of water for the trip to the Runner's Village and then to the start. The weather is supposed to be near perfect.
The pictures above are from this evening. That's my shirt. I wanted to put stuff on the back about how this was for Annabel, but I couldn't do it since I planned so poorly. Oh well. Annabel knows this one's for her. The second is all of us at dinner tonight. Next is just Uncle Doug, hanging out. He's been making political buttons in between all of the world travelling they are doing. And finally, its Yonas with his Ana, which means grandma in Pashto.
I'm so excited and nervous, but I think I can sleep tonight since I'm pretty tired. Unfortunately, I'm thinking I've got some psychosomatic aches and pains so I'm going to take two tylenols and I'll see you all in the morning.
Happy running!

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